yeah, but I accidentally saw on the other show, I think it is the SBS gayo daejun, his severe bald spots at the back of his head are still there, you can see it even clearly now that he grows his hair back. but I do see that it's getting better, I hope that he can fully recover this year coz him recovering means he's getting less stressed and that to us would be a great news ^_^
IM YHUMI Back injury.. he's temporarily halting promotion with the rest which in a way, I think, is a good thing since he's been so busy that he should/needs some sort of break
how i miss listen to ilhoon's rap in every btob song. each voice of the members complete the song. that is why btob's song have a unique and distinct vibe.
Only got allowed to have 25 melodies in the audience but fan chants are still on point... THANK U BTOB AND MELODIES FOR 2017 Cant wait for us to be more in love in 2018.
Although I disagree with the "best vocals in kpop," (that's your opinion and it's totally fine), I would say, they have the best members. No blackhole. Anybody can fill anyone's parts easily. For the vocals, I'd say, they're one of the best. For me, there are some better vocalists, but BTOB's vocal line together is just too powerful. They compliment each other perfectly.
Although I don't stan BTOB, I actually really love this song and when I saw the lyrics I teared up a little. It made my heart warm when I saw the other groups singing and clapping with them😢❤
I really like this in BTOB , when a member is absent it is very easy to fill his place ! what a great group with a great vocal rang. but you can feel that sungjae aura is missing :(
Omg guys, was it just me, who literally felt every lyrics fit maybe the unspoken message of Sungjae for Joy? 😭😭 because it felt that way tho. Esp Minhyuk's rap part. I'm crying rn with feels
i'm a gay for Park Soo Young and I love it your username is me, and girl yesss! That’s how I feel too and my sungjoy heart can’t take it 😭 I feel that way about so many of their songs :(
Peuni's pineapple head is the cutest! He looked more more handsome with that hairstyle i loooove it so much! Mochi's ankle finally healed. I hope it really healed and he didn't forced it. And it would be perfect if Sungjae's there. But it's okay. Let our maknae rest well and heal completely. I think our boys were super busy at the end of the year with concert, personal schedules, and year-ends performances. Hope there's no more injury/sick again after this. Please be healthy and happy, boys! Yejiapsa 💙
This is what you called Live..BTOB always sing live hoping for the other groups too..Its unfair that some groups can't sing live..They slayed again without Sungjae hyungsik and eunkwang coverd Sungjae parts.. Look how the other groups claps for them... Anyway Minhyuk how could you be that so handsome..
to see other idols singing along to btob is one of the greatest things ever. I hope btob would never think of themselves as a non-influentual group again. stan talent. also minhyuk's vocals came back from war.
the guy 3:11 is stated that his role model is BtoB, back in 2015 when BtoB wasn't popular like this. They are influential but not much saying it on camera because they were not popular. But that guy stated that he love BtoB in 2015, during their underrated days
아이돌 중에 젤 노래 잘함.. ㄹㅇ 라이브란게 말이 안 돼
인정이요 실력으로 내가수 깔사람 없어 ㅜㅜ
minhyuk just standing there with his hand on his waist, showing that veins while rapping is so so cool ~~
Minhyuk all of a sudden singing vocal 😍😍😍
he's technically part of the official vocal line, he's just not part of the vocal unit
aisyah #그리워하다 ???? I thought we all know that Minhyuk is btob hidden vocal? I just didnt expect him to be singing here too.
It so soothing ❤️
I expect him to take over sungjae part tbh Even in previous comeback, he always took over Sungjae part when Sungjae was absent
minhyuk is also vocalist since debut
Can we just, Peniel’s hair grew so much and it makes me so happy to know that he’s getting better!!!
yeah, but I accidentally saw on the other show, I think it is the SBS gayo daejun, his severe bald spots at the back of his head are still there, you can see it even clearly now that he grows his hair back. but I do see that it's getting better, I hope that he can fully recover this year coz him recovering means he's getting less stressed and that to us would be a great news ^_^
He should go to that hair treatment company Bosley. The commercials I've seen seem legit but I could be wrong...
mcqel I can only hear ilhoon tho.
try listening to Minhyuk's recently produced song CHILDLIKE. You can hear his voice @ 2:34 ♥
mcqel isnt that ilhoon?
ilhoon first then minhyuk little
I thought it was ilhoon's and when i go over the vid again, its really minhyuk has the louder one than ilhoon's..
가수이자 아이돌이자 아티스트라고 칭할 수 있는 거의 유일한 그룹
3:04 that's my rapper's vocals right there 😇
Its sungjae part right?
@@LINASHIN_ ilhoon sings his part here, since Sungjae was absent at that time
I was looking for this hahahahahaha
@@LINASHIN_ isn't it the bridge part where everyone harmonizes together? even the crowd always sing that part
진짜 비투비를 좋아한 지 얼마 되지는 않았지만 입덕한 게 제일 잘 된 선택이었다 노래로 깔 사람은 없다 진짜 까는 사람이면 사람이 아닐 정도임 진심...
역시 믿고 듣는 비투비
BtoB does not need props, just a mic and their voice and it still made you cry.
And Peniel hair is the cutest thing I ever seen😍🤗.
Which one is him ?
@@hobiworld2.030 the one who raps at 1:57
@@ephxphany2346 Ohokay thank u ❣️
Seeing other idols singing along with BTOB 💙💙💙
Missing You is a masterpiece I tell you.
CJ Owseven indeed
I wish Sungjae was able to perform with them too but health comes first. I wish they could perform Movie too.
heyheyhey what happened to sungjae?
IM YHUMI Back injury.. he's temporarily halting promotion with the rest which in a way, I think, is a good thing since he's been so busy that he should/needs some sort of break
Hyunsik's power never dissapoint me. BTOB is the real king of live performance💙
lol its exo
@@qingshanxuen7231 Nope, Both of them(BTOB & EXO) is Kings of Live performance❤
Fuu Namikaze lol get lost this abt btob . No hate i love exo too but your attitude a bit off
@@qingshanxuen7231 imagine going to btob's comment section to talk about exo. exo's not bad, but this is poor behaviour
how i miss listen to ilhoon's rap in every btob song. each voice of the members complete the song. that is why btob's song have a unique and distinct vibe.
1. BTOB nailed by beautifully singing this song live.
2. I'm happy to see Peniel's hair :")
3. Seventeen singing along #heartexploded
다시봐도 인이어 안 끼는 거 너무 대박이야...
Only got allowed to have 25 melodies in the audience but fan chants are still on point... THANK U BTOB AND MELODIES FOR 2017
Cant wait for us to be more in love in 2018.
hanafrei R u serious? Like seriously? Why?
what?? 25???seriously??? bt fanchanting was best..💙💙💙💙 melodies jjang 🙋🙋🙋🙆🙆🙆🙆🙆
hanafrei o my Really 🙄🙄??They had 2 performances still why only 25???
the place is smaller this time, but looks like they still have Melodies, audiences and other idols singing for them at the main part
That's crazy. How can a venue dictate how many fans for a group can come? That's crazy that u can put a number on it
라이브 레전드인 날 보고싶을때마다 본다ㅜ 이때 성재 없었던거 아쉽..
프니엘 개귀엽네ㅠㅠ 처음에 웃음참는거 ㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ
I love when other idols are singing together 😭😭😭 BTOB UNITE ALL FANDOMS~~\
Familyship it is 😭😭😭
One of the wonderful comment I've seen...
BTOB always daebak when live perform, yook sungjae get well soon baby, we are missing you 😘😘😘
You’re Average Twice Fan 😂😂
3:06 -3:09 is the killing part!!!
Lee Minhyuk A rapper who has a golden voice. OMG he could be a guest in king of Masked singer.
Minhyunk's rap part always make me go weak...😢😍
bb0mi ppang always
Yeah his voice I cant
boy btob, winner and mamamoo saved this show by showing what live really is
3:05 Minhyuk sing, so great!
They have the best vocals in kpop boy groups in my opinion.. Chang sub is just amazing vocals
Although I disagree with the "best vocals in kpop," (that's your opinion and it's totally fine), I would say, they have the best members. No blackhole. Anybody can fill anyone's parts easily. For the vocals, I'd say, they're one of the best. For me, there are some better vocalists, but BTOB's vocal line together is just too powerful. They compliment each other perfectly.
Sungjae ya get well soon my baby BTOB OT7 forever ♥
letsbe rich BTOB what happened to him?
what happened to him?/2
He's injured
Restu Fitria S.A.W
He's resting for now because of a waist/back injury
Minhyuk oppa's voice ughhh 😍😍😍
changsub singing sungjae's part i'm so soft
Although I don't stan BTOB, I actually really love this song and when I saw the lyrics I teared up a little. It made my heart warm when I saw the other groups singing and clapping with them😢❤
Everybody singing along BTOB made me emotional 😢
ilhoon is so talented 😭 i keep sabotaging myself everytime im reminded he aint with btob anymore 💔
Beautiful. Thank you Changsub Hyunsik for covering Sungjae 💙 Chimchim singing to 그리워하다 is refreshing!
Most of The Other Idols were Crying In the End...reason may be anything but Missing you Impact was surely Deep. BTOB Kings 👑
Get well soon baby Sungjae.
I really like this in BTOB , when a member is absent it is very easy to fill his place !
what a great group with a great vocal rang. but you can feel that sungjae aura is missing :(
yeah.. Hope he'll get well soon.. Hope btob will take good care of themselves.. Amd wont stress out. They complete me...
jimin at 3:16 omoooo 💙💙💙 minhyuk's vocaaal is always the best 💙😭
no group can beat btob when it comes to live
rino rolo absolutely correct
BTOB are kings....
Agree at 100%
sungjoy ship moment...GET WELL SOON SUNGJAEEE
Omo Joy sing too💕 BTOVELVET forever!!
sadly Sungjae wasn't there
So sad.. finally after so many years rv & btob get to reunite.. but Sungjae isnt there
Omg guys, was it just me, who literally felt every lyrics fit maybe the unspoken message of Sungjae for Joy? 😭😭 because it felt that way tho. Esp Minhyuk's rap part. I'm crying rn with feels
i'm a gay for Park Soo Young and I love it your username is me, and girl yesss! That’s how I feel too and my sungjoy heart can’t take it 😭 I feel that way about so many of their songs :(
@@NazifaAnjum96 i think im the only one XD
I keep watching this video like about 1 hour rn...that the power of talent group..get well soon sungjae
btob is no doubt the king of vocals. *STAN TALENT STAN BTOB* 💙
Jungkook opened his mouth throughout this performance maybe because he was amazed on how brave Btob are to sing a song with choreography in a live..
Get well soon, Sungjae. Look how great your hyungs are. ♥
anabet ipsagel I am sure He Knows very Well 😀😀
what happened to sungjae?
Loriani93 hi is injured,,, hi was confined on 27 due to back pain 2 to 3 weeks of treatment,,,
Minhyuk's visual and vocal OMGG 😍
Their comeback literally saved 2k17
RV singing along! wooooo
I am out of breathe everytime Minhyuk sing 😍 💙💙 Kinikilig me 🙈
Get well soon baby maknae Sungjae ya 😘
Happy New Year BTOB and Melodies 💙💙
Imagine making all other idol groups sing along with you, only BTOB
ilhoon i like the way he rap. this song is ❤
minhyuk the hidden vocal of btob❤️ 7rappers 7vocals❤️😘
I don't know what I love more; BTOB? Melody? or BTOB and Melody? //hearteu
Sungjae get well soon okay!
What happened to Sungjae?
Aurora Knutsen he suffered waist injury
Joyii Virus Sungjae got injury?
Joyii Virus how?
Peuni's pineapple head is the cutest! He looked more more handsome with that hairstyle i loooove it so much!
Mochi's ankle finally healed. I hope it really healed and he didn't forced it.
And it would be perfect if Sungjae's there. But it's okay. Let our maknae rest well and heal completely.
I think our boys were super busy at the end of the year with concert, personal schedules, and year-ends performances. Hope there's no more injury/sick again after this. Please be healthy and happy, boys! Yejiapsa 💙
This really their song of the year
Sungjae, Joy is missing you💙
first grup that i saw didnt wearing an earpiece.. daebak! they r singing live !! love btob !
they seldom wear it, if they wear it I think it is turned off
My life is incomplete
It’s Missing you SUNGJAE
I’m living for Ilhoon’s rap myghad his voice is really ugh
omg vocals are sooo on point!!! penile grwing his hair! im happy!! and, changsub looks so handsome in this
I was amazed they sang without using an earpiece.
BTOB slayed as usual my kings. Happy new year BTOB & Melody ♥
Seeing other idols clapping and singing with BTOB's Missing You is my favorite thing!!! This is one my reasons why i love kpop. ❤
Get well soon sungjae...changsubiee i am in love with your voice... BTOB fighting!!!
Its just so nice seeing other idols singing along💓 who says missing you doesnt deserve to be the song of the year?
MBC always know how to slaying Bbyu shippers ❤️ Joy was singing Missing You, sadly Sungjae wasn't there. #GetWellSoonYookSungjae
Jul Julia exactly :( I'm sure they are also both missing each other ^_^ and we are missing BTOVELVET interactions :(
What happened to him back then? New melody here hehe
@@ellasegura6874 Sungjae was injured at the time
What happened to Sungjae ...he's not there
@@ariapark2095 He has back injury that's why he was not able to perform.
Idk about other idols but you can always see Mr. Boo enjoying every BtoB songs.
I can listen 1000 times without getting bored 😻😻😻😻😻
same lmao i really cant get tired of this song XD
Me too
Same 😍
Peniels laughing cause eunkwang told him his mic was a little too tall kukukuku cute 0:15
I love seeing my idols singing with my idols.
These young men look so stunning in black suit, their live vocals sounds so fantastic, especially Changsub's, his voice is just heavenly.
This is what you called Live..BTOB always sing live hoping for the other groups too..Its unfair that some groups can't sing live..They slayed again without Sungjae hyungsik and eunkwang coverd Sungjae parts.. Look how the other groups claps for them... Anyway Minhyuk how could you be that so handsome..
Changsub too
Andreas Widjaja ah yeah changsub also.. Sorry thank u for correcting me
I miss ilhoon 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
When i always listen to this song i always remember Bbyu!
they have such boyfriendly-vibe voices i can't explain it
Peniel finally... his hair is growing !!!! What a great yr to start !!! BTOB FIGHTING !
Wooaah.. their harmonization is on another level.
The real live performance. And the real art. Thank you btob. Thank you MBC.
Btob is always standing with their vocal love them so much, actually the group without lip sync is btob and mamamoo. Their vocal no hesitant
Btob is my life😢😢😢
ilhoon is the definition of swag
Perfect Vocal...
Pure sound...
This is the real live no backtrack like other idol.
Peniel's hair!!! ♡
They performed so amazingly as always!
JungKeulleeo sungjoy 😁
I wish sungjae was here.. Joyiahhh is watching
Hey! FM and joy was singing with them toooo 😍😍
to see other idols singing along to btob is one of the greatest things ever. I hope btob would never think of themselves as a non-influentual group again. stan talent.
also minhyuk's vocals came back from war.
the guy 3:11 is stated that his role model is BtoB, back in 2015 when BtoB wasn't popular like this. They are influential but not much saying it on camera because they were not popular. But that guy stated that he love BtoB in 2015, during their underrated days
the fanchants are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I know this is very random.. i really miss Ilhoon rapping. I think he is one of the best rappers in kpop..
Changsub at 2:00 😅😂😂😂
Chaii Chaii Dibalaten yes, I know 😅😅 it's just a different camera work from usual so it looks funny to me 😊
Lol... 5555555
That moment you are done with someone
MELODY : Your idol? they might be somewhere listening to BTOB..they literally know the whole song
The fanchant. Their vocals. Other idols sang with them.
Wow! you guys made all melodies proud! 😄💙💙💙
No earpieces at all woah. Btob jjang you are really on a whole new level yejiapsa
I havent noticed it when I first watched it
Yeah. 😇😇 they seldom wear their earpiece.. Even in their past stage perf. / comebacks.. Only during big stages.. Or if they required to do it.. ♥ 👏👏👏
thank you seventeen supporting btob 💓
melody, myday & universe seventeen is like the biggest idol fanboys of btob out there!!lol
echan meikam I was going to say 😊😊
Ezabella Love 😄😄😄 especially hahahaha
3:10 ?? that guy is nice, I remembered he was the first person who congratulated Eunkwang after BtoB first win
Andreas Widjaja yup those guys in white are seventeen! They adore btob so much!
워매 라이브 실화냐
they eat their cd's (again)
changsub oppa work hard.. thats why i love him...chiaaaa